1. 實地訪查期間:113年12月1日至114年2月28日。
2. 調查對象:以居住臺北市境內,具有中華民國國籍,並在戶籍上獨立設戶,戶內成員營共同經濟生活之一般家庭為調查對象。
3. 調查目的:為蒐集臺北市市民一般家庭生活水準及消費情形,以作為訂定本市最低生活費標準、住宅補貼之家庭年所得標準、消費者物價指數權數之編算及法院案件判決給付費用之參考。
4. 調查方式:採「面訪」、「留置填表」等多元管道。
1.Survey Period: From December 1, 2024 to February 28,2025.
2.Survey Subjects: Independent households registered in Taipei City with the nationality of the Republic of China having the members living under a shared household economy.
3.Survey Objective: To obtain an understanding of the living standards and consumption behavior of residents in Taipei City’s general households, and use the information gathered as references for determining the standards for the issuance of low-income family subsidy, family income eligibility for purchase of public housing, weighted consumer price index calculation and fees payable in court decisions.
4.Survey method: Onsite visit and leave the survey at residence.
The information gathered in this survey is strictly confidential and will not be used for purposes other than the overall statistical analysis. Please cooperate with the survey and provide truthful information. For more information, please contact the Community Statistics Division of the DBAS at 02-27208889/1999 ext. 7650 to 7656.