
臺北市政府主計處辦理「113年10月人力資源調查」。Department of Budget, Accounting and Statistics (DBAS) of Taipei City Government conducts "Manpower Survey for October 2024".

  1. 實地訪查期間:113年10月20日至26日。


2. 調查對象:本調查以普通住戶與共同事業戶,其戶內年滿15歲自由從事經濟活動之本國籍民間人口為對象,但不包括武裝勞動力及監管人口。

3. 調查目的:旨在按月蒐集全國家戶內15歲以上人口之就業、失業及非勞動力(如高齡、求學、料理家務等)狀況,以掌握全國及各市縣人力供應變動情形,並作為政府規劃人力政策之參考。

4. 調查方式:採「面訪」、「電話訪問」及「網路填報」等多元管道。



1. Survey period: October 20 to October 26 in 2024.

(Online fill-in: October 17 to October 19 in 2024)

2. Survey subjects: Citizens aged 15 and above who engage in economic activities, excluding those in the military services or in prison.

3. Survey objective: Collect the data of civilians aged 15 and above on the status of employment, unemployment and non-labor force (such as old age, schooling, housekeeping, etc.) to grasp the manpower supply changes and be a reference for government manpower policies.

4. Survey method: Onsite visit, telephone interview and online fill-in.

The planning and sampling design of this survey is conducted by the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics of the Executive Yuan. The co-organizers are the municipal and county governments in charge of conducting the surveys in their respective administrative areas. Personal information gathered in this survey is strictly confidential and will not be used for purposes other than the overall statistical analysis. Please cooperate with the survey and provide truthful information. For more information, please contact the Community Statistics Division of the DBAS at 02-27208889/1999, ext. 7647 to 7649, 2054 to 2056.